1- The Size Calculator will automatically calculate the wattage whenever there is a change in the data.
2- For a better flexibility, it is made possible to add or delete "ADDITIONAL APPLIANCES" placed after the main list by using or at the right side of the screen.
1- The wattage of any appliance is provided or can be converted to "W" (Watt).
2- Some appliances may have a much greater Starting Wattage (during the starting phase) than the Running Wattage.
3- The Starting and Running Wattage may vary from one brand to another even for appliances with similar capacities.
1- Whenever applies, the appliance's Starting Wattage is the one to be considered when calculating the appliance's wattage.
2- We recommend to adjust the default wattage values to the exact ones of your appliances for a proper generator sizing.
1- The nearer the generator capacity to the actual wattage is, the better!
2- Each generator is having a "Standby" and "Prime" rating.
3- The generator can be a "Standby" generator if it operates as a back-up for the main line (not exceeding 1 hour per 12 hours), or can be a "Prime" generator if used as a main source of electricity.
4- In general, generator rating is provided in "KVA" (Kilo-Volt-Ampere).
5- In order to identify the generator "KVA" rating, we devide the total wattage in "KW" (Kilo Watts) by the "Power Factor" (variable factor based on the load type and generally between 0.8-1) .
*: rating based on a power factor of "0.8"